[ tuh-rair-ee-uhm ]
noun, plural ter·rar·i·ums, ter·rar·i·a [t, uh, -, rair, -ee-, uh].
a glass container, chiefly or wholly enclosed, for growing and displaying plants

The first use of the word terrarium in a sentence was in the year 1890.
The sentence also contained the word envy
There’s more to come
There is!

All our creations are unique.
Every item is carefully hand made in Glasgow
Feel free to get in touch for a quote for a specific request

Small Glass cylinder shaped containing two plants (Fittonia and Ellen Silver) with added rocks and slates/3.5″x3.5″/ £18.00

Tea pot containing various types of moss, slate and Soleirolia/£32.00/SOLD

Bamboo lidded jar with various houseplants/12″X10″/£40/SOLD

Sealed Glass container with moss, slate steps and added decoration/14cmX14cm/£25.00 SOLD